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CAMDEN, AUSTRALIA, Sunday, 11 September 2022 - Two Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) student pilots successfully completed their Multi Engine Fixed Wing Flight Training Course at Air Combat Australia (ACA), Camden, Australia. Lieutenant (U) Pengiran Aminor Fikhri bin Pengiran Amir Hamzah and Lieutenant (U) Muhammad Najib Naqiuddin bin Haji Idris flew their last sorties of the course on Wednesday, 07 September 2022.

The course is an advanced flying course that was conducted after the student pilots successfully completed their Basic Flying Training (BFT) at ACA earlier this year. The aircraft used for the entirety of the course was a Piper Aerostar 600 with a total of 62 flying hours completed by each student pilot in a span of three months.

The advanced flying course comprises of ground theory and flying exercises. Theory classes highlights the importance of understanding the aircraft used and its systems that includes a mix of hydraulics, electronic, mechanical and multi engine systems. The flying exercises were conducted soon after, which encompasses basic aeroplane controls – taxying and general handling of the aircraft with some emergencies, flying in circuits, navigation exercises and instrument flight rules (IFR) procedures. These sorties were flown in both day and night conditions. An introduction to operational flying was also conducted in the form of search and rescue operations exercises as well as remote area operations. Three consolidation sorties were conducted in each module of the course duration to test the understanding and abilities of each student pilot.

On the successful completion of the advanced course, the student pilots will earn their wings on their return, signifying the end to their student pilot training and putting them on the path to becoming operational pilots, bound for future fixed-wing operations in the RBAirF.


CAMDEN, AUSTRALIA, Ahad, 11 September 2022 - Dua pelatih juruterbang Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei (TUDB) berjaya menamatkan kursus latihan Multi Engine Fixed Wing Flight Training Course di Air Combat Australia, New South Wales, Australia. Leftenan (U) Pengiran Aminor Fikhri bin Pengiran Amir Hamzah dan Leftenan (U) Muhammad ​​Najib Naqiuddin bin Haji Idris telah menamatkan kursus tersebut pada hari Rabu, 07 September 2022.

Kursus ini merupakan kursus lanjutan yang dijalankan selepas pelatih-pelatih juruterbang berhasil menamatkan Latihan Asas Terbang (BFT) di tempat yang sama pada awal tahun lalu. Pesawat yang digunakan untuk keseluruhan kursus tersebut adalah sebuah Piper Aerostar 600 dengan jumlah 62 jam penerbangan yang laksanakan oleh setiap pelatih juruterbang dalam tempoh tiga bulan.

Kursus ini terbahagi kepada kelas teori dan latihan penerbangan. Kelas teori menekankan kepentingan kefahaman pesawat yang digunakan dan sistem-sistem nya termasuk topik-topik sistem hidraulik, sistem elektronik, sistem mekanikal dan sistem pesawat yang mempunyai lebih daripada satu enjin. Latihan penerbangan dimulakan dengan latihan asas pesawat dan beberapa latihan kecemasan, latihan penerbangan litar, latihan navigasi dan latihan prosedur peraturan penerbangan instrumen (IFR). Latihan-latihan tersebut dilakukan dalam keadaan siang dan malam. Pengenalan kepada penerbangan beroperasi turut dijalankan dalam bentuk latihan operasi mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) serta operasi kawasan terpencil. Tiga latihan penyatuan juga dijalankan dalam setiap pertiga tempoh kursus untuk menguji kefahaman dan kebolehan setiap pelatih juruterbang.

Dengan penamatan kursus lanjutan tersebut, pelatih-pelatih juruterbang akan disampaikan lencana sayap mereka selepas pulang dari kursus tersebut. Ianya akan menandakan berakhirnya status mereka sebagai pelatih juruterbang kepada juruterbang beroperasi khasnya bagi penerbangan pesawat Fixed Wing TUDB.